Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached


                                      Goal : My dream

       As we know this popular quote "Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached" was said by young swami Vivekananda. Every one in this world has to face so many events in a single day, That's why it is difficult to concentrate our mind on our decided goal.  
       If you  search on internet there are numerous suggestions and tips are there, which describe inspire you how to achieve your goal or there may be some Ayurveda medicine for increasing your brain memory or to increase your concentration. But, if you have moral confidence to achieve the goal you decided than only your strong thought and willingness to do hard work is enough to get your goal near to you. 
Three inspirational quotes are suited for this article : 
1.Clarity in mind. 2. Spontaneous in action  and 3. Purity in heart
       Clarity in mind is necessary that you have decided your goal or task very clearly. Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. This will help you to arrange necessary steps and short term goal which will get near you towards your goal. 
       Spontaneous in action means apply the idea immediately and in efficient way. Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan. Every person in this world may have innovative, creative thoughts or ideas. But, there is a need to convert this ideas and thoughts into reality. There is a no possibility there that a miracle will occur and you'll  get your goal in front of you instantaneously, you must have to do hard work. There are so many people who just think about their dream and assume the beautiful result. "Thinking will not overcome fear and your present situation action will". Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world. Impossible is not one kind of "Patthar ki lakir", that can not be erase.
        And the last thing is that Purity in heart. The god will help to  those, who have great humanity and doing their work without hearting any one. To get money and luxury in life in short time this attitude of human will make him to lost their humanity. " Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."

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